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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  March 21, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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on they are fantastic they really are. and is they for their show on friday they perform individually with a live band. >> go to the web if you missed it the whole performance is there. >> in the meantime tucker barnes keeping an eye on the weather. >> dealing with fog out there visibility in many spots still a quarter mile or less bare with the weather it will lift and we will see sunshine afternoon and temperatures expect to be middle 70s. let's get started with a look at the dense fog advisory, another hour, district of columbia, you can see much of virginia as you get into north central maryland, under a dense fog advisory until 10:00 a.m. continue to have dense fog front royal and win chester at the moment, right up against the edge of the mountains, fog will be with us for the morning hours then we will see breaks and sunshine by the afternoon.
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humidity 93%, winds out of the east, 3 miles per hour pumping in low level moisture, causing the fog here is your forecast today, could be a shower this afternoon but i think most of the day will be dry, with partial sunshine, for afternoon and the other mild day temperatures expect to be all the way in the 70s, 74 washington 76 fredericksburg, more details on the forecast look at the 5 day in just a minute tony and allison back to you upstairs. new in southern france this morning we have been watching a stand off with police outside of the home of the man suspected in the horrific shooting at a jewish school and attacks on four french soldiers in the last week. >> anti terror police tried to raid the home last night but the man inside shot through the door injuring two officers we believe they will be okay he is linked to al qaeda police say he escaped from a prison in afghanistan during a mass
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prison break there 2008. right now that man is barricaded inside and is again negotiating with police after cutting off talks earlier, this is a live look now at the stand off about 200 police officers are surrounding that home, right now. now to the american army sergeant accused of killing 16 afghans including 9 children the sergeant's lawyer says he expects formal charges to be filed tomorrow now the latest from will thomas live in the newsroom good morning. >> good morning. the attorney for staff sergeant robert bales is talking more about the case he says the government is going to have a very tough time, proving its case once the charges are eventually filed, john henry brown claims the army as no proof his client is behind the killings and points to the fact sergeant bales never confessed to shootings he says he can't even remember what happened that night. his attorney is planning to go to afghanistan to gather his
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own evidence and down playing reports of marital problems and denies bales was drunk the night before the rampage. >> drinking did not happen at all a couple sips of some body else's bottle, but that is not drinking marital strife which is ridiculous sure there is financial problems i have financial problems 99% of america has financial problems you don't go and kill women and children because you have financial problems. >> bales was arrested in 2002 in a drunken assault of a security guard at a tacoma casino in washington state he also threatened a customer details are at odds by the description of the arrest by his attorney who maintains it was an incident involving a woman bales once dated before he met his wife. >> thank you very much. some of our other top
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stories police are investigating a shooting and car fire in fort washington maryland police found the driver dead in the burning vehicle with a gunshot wound on palmer road just before 1:00 a.m. this morning there is still no word on the suspect or motive. former mount rainier police officer is due in court for sentencing, gene gillette pled guilty to attempted murder and sexual assault and gun charges after he set up a sex trap at his home then shot the victim as he tried to escape during his time with mount rainier police force he was named rookie of the year and officer of the year. >> also in court today, a serial arsonist, last week he pleaded guilty to arson and aggravated assault in dc and sentenced to 25 years in prison he confessed to starting at least 18 fires in the district and prince georges county one of those fires injured five
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firefighters. dc public schools are working to battle childhood bullying problem they have set up a panel to meet for the first time today to discuss ways to stop bullying the committee is expected to come up with anti bullying initiatives washington dc and south dakota are the only two places in the u.s. not to enact anti bullying legislation. several montgomery county teachers and staff members are suing their principal accusing him of being a bully this is not the first time the principal has come under fire, melanie alnwick is live at kent mill elementary in silver spring. >> reporter: principal sterns first came to kent mill in 2007 for the past four school years, some teachers and staff have repeatedly complained about his behaviour in their civil lawsuit they revealed to us yesterday they said they would simply like a work environment free from quote, innuendos,
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groping inapro precrate touching and fear of unjustified termination in their 76 page lawsuit five teachers one staff member say he would pinch touch and slap staff and students were called babe honey and doll he made mooing sounds over the intercome when it was time to report for duty and he was seen several times taking children into closets alone with him when they complained about behaviour, the principal harassed them and false fied statements to force them out. >> bullying has become the term to describe behaviour that is overly aggressive intimidating hostile with that description that is what has been going on for the past four and a half years. >> i have seen it for myself my sons were in this school when i brought them to kent mills things didn't go as well now they are out, they are at a new school doing fine you have to
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realize when the teachers are unhappy to come to school kids can't get a good education. >> school spokesperson said the complaints have been the subject of proceedings at various levels noting the equal employment opportunity commission, reviewed the complaints and said none were found to have merit principal sterns sent a letter to the school community in 2010, these allegations royaled this community for several yeared he apologized for use of his words like babe, honey and doll saying they are terms of endearment and were not meant to intimidate or harass anyone allison tony. >> mel, thank you. mitt romney wins the illinois primary basically a two man race between romney and rick santorum romney mostly won in chicago area, santorum got support down state. ron paul and newt gingrich who
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did not campaign heavily in illinois were far behind with 9% and 8% respectiveically, romney thanked his supporters after results came in. >> under this president, bureaucrats, prevent drilling rigs from going the work in the gulf they keep coal from being mined impede reliable supply of natural gas they tell farmers what their kids are able to do on their farms. this administrations assault on freedom kept this so called recovery from meeting their projections, let alone our expectations. >> romney is holding a town hall meeting in maryland today, he will be at the american legion post in arbutus south of baltimore, later this afternoon. a big day for maryland senator, she is being honored on the senate floor this afternoon after becoming the longest serving woman in congressional history she reached the milestone saturday breaking the record representing maryland on capitol hill for more than 35 years she was the first woman
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elected statewide in maryland and the first woman to chair an appropriations committee. powerful earthquake in mexico is making headlines this morning, the 7.4 quake was centered in the high mountains of the southern portion of the state, hundreds of homes were reportedly damaged and villages there, 120 miles from acapulco where a lot of americans are vacationing for spring break and 200-miles from the epicenter in mexico city panicked workers ran into the streets but there are no reports of injury or major damage. flood waters pour through an amusement park outside dallas heavy rains fell through texas the same slow moving storm is causing problems stretching from louisiana to missouri prompting flood warnings and tornado watches and warnings. >> other news the justice department and fbi opened an investigation into the deadly shooting of a black teen by a
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neighbourhood watch captain in florida, george zimmerman said he shot him in self-defense and thought martin was a suspicious person turns out the teen had a soft drink in his hand and skittles in his pocket zimmerman was not arrested has not been arrested the u.s. justice department civil rights division is sending u.s. rights to the community there. >> 10 after 9, make some people panic there, timeless love stories helping couples overcome obstacles. >> creator of the website called black and married with kids their fourth is called still standing in dc. i will speak with lamar tyler one half of the power couple behind the fourth installment  turn left.
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the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) there's no doubt in my mind that komen's funding helped saved my life. the 3-day is my opportunity
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to help save others' lives. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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welcome back coming up 9:14 a.m., online dating services are cracking down on possible sex offenders and other criminals, match, e harmony and spark sign ad-joint agreement implementing a new standard after a woman was assaulted on a date. the companies will now supply members with safety tips and provide easy ways to report abuses the companies hope this move will set an example for other online dating sites. >> secret adoptions are a thing of the past according to evan b donaldson adoption institute a survey of 100 adoption agencies found only 5% of infant adoptions take place without an ongoing relationship between both parties there are 18,000 infant adoptions each year the surveys found most participants enjoyed the open adoption experience. allison. well, black and married with has become one of
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the most popular marital lifestyle sites on the entire internet it is a great resource that tackles life issues dealing with marriages, finances blended family it is couple that founded the website is releasing their fourth documentary called still standing and dc happens to be the first stop for the films five city screening tour joining us this morning with more is the cocreator of black and married lamar, nice to see you. >> welcome back. >> yes, of course. >> lamar is a former fox fiver and full disclosure before we talk about this you really speak to following your dream, even in these hard economic times going for what is your passion. >> i found out what perfect really was and i think just the advent of social media and rise of that and being able to market it to customers, it is
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just an amazing thing. >> black and married with kids it is award winning just become this resource, why did you feel the need to create it in the first place. >> because we started back in 2007 we were talking about a blog we wanted to do something that if it blew up three, four years from now we would be passionate about it what that was was marriage and the way it is viewed in an african american community and stereo types around it we saw a need to provide those positive images people were attracted instantly to it and since, it has really blown up and taken off and my wife and i feel like it is really our passion but now our purpose to deliver these positive images. >> we said there is a screening here you added another time right. >> yes. >> and it is saturday. >> saturday. >> now it is 4 and 8:00 p.m. >> yep two shows we -- they seat about 500 people we have less than 100 seats left for
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the 8:00 p.m. show, just added a second show at 4:00 p.m. >> public playhouse in cheverly maryland. >> you talk about illness, cheating financial issues tell us about still standing. >> we take six couples and look and have real transparent candid conversations about things that went on in their marriages infidelity, financial issues, blended family issues, chronic illness things couples deal with every day and these couples have made it through all of this and they are still standing more importantly than just an emotional film that feels good they specifically tell you how they got to where they are today these are the steps we took to surpass infidelity, these are steps we took not to break up when the financial struggles came. it is so powerful not only married couples but singles as well to do the conversations people don't have before they get married. >> that's right there is no guide book so this is serving
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that purpose and you have familiar faces in the documentary tell us right there. >> exactly, family soul very popular in the music scene and two time grammy award winner they talk about issues they had around infidelity and speaks how he had to win back her trust when you have infidelity it breaks down the foundation and dr. blake who many people know the psychologist on braxton family values,. >> and okay she has just become very popular i think also on the real housewives of atlanta she is a force there i think this adds to it >> to have that star power there. all right. now you said the 8:00 p.m. is almost sold out we can still get tickets to the 4:00 p.m. show. >> less than 100 tickets for the 8:00 p.m. show, you can still buy those as well the 4:00 p.m. show we just opened it up so you know we have seats
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available now, but last time two years ago we had the screening we had over 500 people and turned 200 away from the door we don't want to get people turned away. >> other cities, chicago, houston dallas atlanta but if you want get to one of those you can get dvd. >> you can preorder now. >> please give our love to your lovely wife ronnie, this is lamar, cocreator of black and married with kids see still standing. >> good to see lamar again. >> fighting cancer, could a popular over-the-counter drug, help treat the deadly disease. the results of a new study straight ahead. >> plus evidence that day dreaming may be good for you first let's check with holly. good morning. >> good morning tony we continue to hang out with one of dcs it couples, they are the
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people behind design army behind every successful business or one of the reasons they are so successful they surround themselves with super creative people, their team already hard at work this morning coming up live later we will find out about some of the future projects they will be working on in and around the city. here is today's trivia question, what is the minimum number of seats required in a broadway theatre? i did not know there was a minimum 250, 400, 500 or 700, the answer coming up later if you want too guess now head to our facebook page fox 5 morning news will be back after the break [ female announcer ] with xfinity,
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you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪
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a landmark surgery university of maryland medical center doctors completed a full face trans plant it is the only time it has been done in the
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country the 36 hour surgery included the tongue and upper and lower jaws more details about the trans plant and the 37-year-old male patient will be released next week. of course there may not be a cure for cancer but an aspirin a day can help prevent and possibly treat cancer, research which ares found aspirin has short term benefits in preventing cancer reduces the likelihood it will spread to other organs by 40 to 50%. here is an excuse today dream a bit more often, it could be the sign of a good memory that is according to a study out of university of wisconsin, madison subject who is reported their minds wandered during simple tasks were likely to score higher on a memory test, the study is published in psychological science. >> imagine waking up to loud booming noises it is happening to thousands in one city what scientists have to say about the strange event.
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>> if you think your pooch is smart, you won't be surprised or we won't if you can't help falling in love with this dog elvis, the dog who does calculus. his story is coming up next. >> all three of my dogs do calculus. >> really?  -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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>> all right dogs are man's best friend, they can fetch your slippers play catch now they can help with your calculus homework. a math professor found his dog elvis' math smarts when playing catch with his dog in a lake a standard calculus problem is to find the quickest point on shore to a point on the lake when he threw a ball in the lake elvis found the quickest path when he did the math elvis always entered at the optimal point listen,. >> the shortest distance would be for him to swim straight
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there but since he runs faster than he swims he knows he will get there faster if he runs along the beach and goes in at an angle a little later on and that is what he does. >> he is not the only one who believes his dog is a mathematician several other scientists wrote about this phenomenon >> i never thought about it he is gone but my dog would do the same thing he would go down the beach and enter further down >> i don't think that is necessarily calculus it is instinct and the dog saying i don't want to be in the water for 35 seconds how about just -- >> it is smart. >> i don't know that it is calculus. >> well, but then physics and calculus these are things that just happen the shortest distance between two points, you know how to do that. >> i don't believe the dog is figuring okay if i go at this angle. >> he is just smart. >> a good smart dog. >> all right. >> but we do love you elvis.
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>> either way cute dog. >> can i see why he named him elvis something about him maybe i don't know what it is reminded me of elvis. >> that is a whole other story. >> what have you got this time. >> fog lifting slowly, in spots, visible is not great i looked in martins burg last look a tenth of a mile,. >> but in the last couple of minutes even the last hour it is really starting to lift, particularly in the city, the good news we will get the fog out of here once it length of times we should be in for a partly sunny day and gradually improving conditions and mild temperatures this afternoon we switched that map, thank you very much, 61 washington 63 quantico, temperatures not far off with the fog developing 57 the winning number in gaithersburg and another beautiful afternoon temperature wise highs expected to be in the 70s. all right, area high pressure and if it were july or august
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we would say typical summer time air pattern here setting up and it will be with us for a few more days but for the first day of spring a little unusual nice warm flow out of the south temperatures east of the front trending 15, 20, 25 degrees above normal and we will do it again later today this frontal system not terribly impressive as far as cold temperatures extremely heavy rain another 3 to 5 inches of rain in parts ovules less and arkansas several flooding problems out there this front is a slow mover it will take until saturday before it will track its way east and get into the washington area by saturday, the possibility of rain showers and maybe a few thunderstorms, things start to break down as you get into the weekend cooler temperatures by sunday until then enjoy your warm afternoon. partly sunny skies yeah, there could be a stray shower most of the day will be dry winds out of the east 5 to 10 miles per hour later tonight partly
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cloudy skies fog redevelops conditions still out there, 57 your overnight low enjoy thursday and friday check out the cherry blossoms highs upper 70s thursday, 80, parts of sunshine and i mentioned the conditions here for the weekend cold front, looks like thunderstorms and cooler temperatures by sunday maybe an early shower temperatures on sunday, 62 degrees, closer to where we should be. allison back to you. >> thanks tuck. >> this is not the best way to start your trip united airlines is refunding passengers on a flight to china after their plane was grounded in alaska for two days it left from san francisco, diverted to anchorage several bathrooms were out of order they brought in another plane monday, and boarded passengers and discovered it had problems they took off on a third plane yesterday. in addition to refunding
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tickets they are looking to compensate passengers. >> people in a wisconsin city want to know what is waking them up in the middle of the night at least two nights this week residents in clintonville heard a series of mysterious booms meteorologists says the not thunder experts ruled out earthquakes or water pressure but say the sound appears to be coming from under ground there are no military bases in the area city officials are holding a meeting and asking anyone from across the country who may be help to contact them. >> that is weird >> kind of scary. >> reminds me of the earthquake you just don't know it is so huge and everybody is in on it but you don't know. >> coming up celebrity caught on camera needing help getting out of a parking garage checking with dax and tmz is next funny not sad. >> count down to hunger games movie and it could break a few records details after the
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break. >> here is today's trivia question what is the min number of seats required in a broadway theatre. the answer later but if you want to guess now head to our facebook page 9:33 a.m. back after the break i was paying too much with cable.
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[ male announcer ] visit that's contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) there's no doubt in my mind that komen's funding helped saved my life. the 3-day is my opportunity to help save others' lives. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. with 3 days and 60 miles, you're making a bold statement. you're saying breast cancer is not going to win. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i have ever had in my entire life.
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we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime. just two days out from the big opening of the hunger gameshollywood is hoping the odds will be in its favour it is supposed to come close to the debut of twilight films some say it could surpass that total it could break the marx record for debuts held by alice in wonder land which made 116 million dollars two years ago really? i don't even remember it. >> so good. >> was it good who was in it?
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>> who stole my jabberwocky baby. >> johnny depp. >> larry david caught on am a, stuck in a parking gay -- camera stuck in a parking garage. hey, dax good morning. >> good morning it was helena bonnham carter by the way. >> i saw the video on your website, larry taste stuck in a davis stuck in a garage >> it is a perfect curb your enthusiasm moment it is awesome he plays himself on the show this is what he is like in real life he is in the parking garage the arm to get out of the parking garage won't go up he cannot figure it out he gets so frustrated he gets out walks
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-- the cars are starting to pile up behind him he goes to the girl behind i don't know what i am doing can you help me out she gets out of her car the arm finally goes up and he is able the leave but such a priceless moment >> i like the fact he is driving a prius. >> a lot of stars in hollywood drive them around saving the world. >> i like that. so he does get out the video is there it is really priceless and you are right sounds like the perfect curb episode. >> right. >> something not so funny another -- >> yeah, the situation he is not been seen in a couple weeks where has he been. >> an inpatient rehab facility seems he is there for substance abuse if you have been watching the recent episodes of jersey shore he has been acting very paranoid, you know, just not himself at all you can see the other cast members constantly pushing him like what is wrong with you you are acting very
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strange well, we reached out to his rep who doesn't want to necessarily confirm why he is in there saying well, he is there he just needs to get some relaxation, needs to calm down he has been working nonstop but i can't think of anyone who goes to a treatment center to relax you go to hawaii to relax not a treatment facility. >> it is sad you take his reality show, it is hard enough being a trained actor but all of a sudden your reality show hits you get anything you want and you probably are exhausted and i really feel for him i do for some reason i don't know. >> and it is you know, the whole premise of the show is getting drunk and being crazy so what do you really expect out of the people on the show after awhile you can only drink so much before you become an alcoholic. >> well, we wish him the best. >> tucker says that is what he hears any way. >> hey, oprah. >> let's talk about oprah. >> what is going on with oprah she had to let go of 30 people.
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>> yeah, over at own network it is not doing so hot they fired 30 people the other day, and it really made the staff restless no one knows if they are going to be fired what is going on he called a town hall meeting sat everyone down and said look here is the reason i had to let so many people go at once basically the network is struggling we have to make budget deadlines to make that so the whole network doesn't shut down as a whole i had the fire these people and they are getting amazing severance packages some getting paid for weeks some to the end of their contract no one is getting kicked out of the door oprah being oprah she takes care of people. >> i love that transparency here is what is happening i read too that she brought in recruiters or some body that could help them with their next job that is very good. >> that is awesome. >> it is. >> very nice. >> if only. >> dax holt, thank you i don't know what dropped behind you
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but you were cool as a cucumber. >> i have no idea either. >> see you dax. >> you though that had to hit oprah hard >> you know it did but i like -- it is hard to sit there face to face with people that you have to let go but explain hopefully in a compassionate way >> i heard larry davis is a maryland guy. >> we will research it >> i don't know off hand. thanks do you have a recipe worth a million dollars? a springfield virginia resident is competing in this year's pilsbury bake off contest, samantha miller is here to give us a taste of her creation. a group of talented graphic designers you may have seen their work but might not know how it all comes together holly is taking us behind the scenes after the break stay with us 9:42 a.m.  buy one spectrum by lg, and get one free ? with verizon 4g lte and a 4.5" true hd display, it's great for watching movies and sports, a true hdtv experience right on my phone. i'll get one for me and one for my wife. i'll be like [manly voice] "a phone, my sweet"
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and get one free. verizon.
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>> a hot air balloon was needed to display the world's longest wedding dress train the 1.8 mile long train billowed out over the boulevard in romania's capital it took 10 seam stresses and 100 days to create, it was recognized as the longest in history beating a previous record held by a dutch designer. what is the purpose of that? just perhaps to get -- >> i guess. >> okay. >> a lot of planning goes into weddings and other events photos, invitations. >> while we always see the finished product we don't see everything that goes on behind the scenes and creative minds that put everything together. holly is in northeast with the design army to learn more about how they make those pieces fit hey, holly. >> hey, guys i don't want to say that jake and poon are an
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it couple but they are they were featured in washington life magazine talking about the artistic revolution, is that a great picture it speaks volumes as to the relationship i will leave it at that not only are they in it but on the cover so you literally are leading the revolution when it comes to transforming the artistic image of the nations capital how are those battles going jake >> they are tough tough in the city that has a lot of conservative ideals and stuff, so we work hard to change it and you can take really you know, what is seen as a traditional client and do fun creative things with them and one of those is actually with the au business school. >> we want people to know they are looking at your work in and around the city take me through some of this. >> sure this is stuff you will see at mcpherson square for the new campaign for the walk campaign, where we got pictures of students you can't spell addition without an mba.
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it sail starts with know how and know how to get ahead and start what you know which is the opposite of walk. >> we talked about the awards you have won internationally and nationally is it something now where obviously the word is out there everybody is coming to you they want you to make them more successful. >> absolutely we get a lot of clients people calling us and now is our kind of time to transform the city for metro to projects we are doing with real estate clients and new condos the market is back this is a new one we just got for lewis on 14th and yew it is very stylish >> i get it. >> we are doing all the branding work for that banners on the site and on to the website we have stuff over here, as you can see we take it from print to digital and get everybody eating cake and winking and dogs tails wagging
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and fun stuff. >> this is the second place i have been this week that it is about let them eat cake. >> it is good for the figure. >> i want to talk about your design team we have been talking a lot about you and poon you are amazing but you have great people working for you. >> absolutely our staff is top notch this is not the easiest place to work very demanding very challenging but a fun place. >> that makes you so good. >> exactly. if it wassizey then you know we -- if it was easy then you know we wouldn't be where we are at. >> two hours ago we were down stairs doing our little photo shoot with fun props and you involved me in it, good thing we have three hours here in the show where each hour we could come to a different floor and voila, poon look at that. >> so we try to determine what background color is the best and you know we have patterns
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and just some straight color. >> what did you thing of those facial features weren't they great easy to work with. >> it is great. >> it is the wig it is what you added but how much has i would think the computer age and all the digital stuff, enabled you to do what you do or transform what you do. >> remarkable what we can do today the time saving i remember way back in the day it was like you would move a pixel it would take 10 minutes for it to render out now it is instant we are working in a world of instance everybody wants it now. >> we are an on demand society. >> my next question my last for you all you have done so much achieved so much already what is the project that you would like to do. >> when you see something you have done where, that means okay, we've arrived. >> i think you have already arrived. >> dc olympic committee >> i think the olympic bid for washington dc would be a dream
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project. >> we would love to rep rest. our city. >> you would -- represent our city. >> you would win the gold. >> here for you. >> and we didn't have to retouch some area. >> sister i constantly need work i understand. >> we have a link to design army if you want the find out more about them and where they are going they are constantly moving forward. the beauty of creative people remember what are we thinking? dreaming big start small >> love it that looks great thank you. >> now you may consider yourself to be a good cook but have you ever made anything worth a million dollars? some body will next week in orlando at the annual pilsbury bake off contest one of the contestants is from springfield virginia she joins us live here this morning with herres pee that has made -- her, recipe that has made her a finalist i asked you how many times you
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have entered before tell us. >> never. >> first time. >> never before. >> first time and you are a finalist. >> i am. >> four different categories so about 25 people in each. >> yes. >> what category are you in? >> dinners made easy. >> you have even the name of the sandwich is wonderful what is it? >> chicken catch tory cheese bread sandwiches. >> is this a family recipe. >> something i made usually and then changed it a little bit changed spices and added somethings made it into a sandwich. >> key is you have to use a pilsbury product. >> yes. >> right. >> okay. >> tell us what goes into this. >> okay right now, i am yellow pepper and half an onion sliced you sautee it until tender and soft. >> what are you sauteeing it
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in? >> olive oil. >> okay. >> and then we take three cups of chicken. the onions are soft, you take three cups chicken and put it in there. >> is this cooked already. >> this is precooked find it in the store already, precooked makes it very easy. >> what is your accent. >> puerto rico. >> very good. >> spanish. >> okay once that is gone, then you pour one can of tomatos, roasted tomatos that is one of the products we had to use if we wanted to. >> okay so they assigned you certain products as well. >> yes, they do. >> is this a pilsbury product. >> no, this is one product one of the sponsors. >> got you. >> they are using this year. once you mix that you pour the other ingredients here we have some spices and i mix here the salt, thyme and italian seasoning. >> garlic.
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>> pour the garlic don't put it at beginning it burns put it now sorry >> all of it. >> all of it. half a teaspoon. >> while you are doing this let me say this i am going to interrupt you a little bit for those following we will put the rose pee on our website -- rose pee on our website >> you go up, do you have to make this gain live there. >> we have to yes we make it probably three times twice at least for the judges. >> very interesting >> they give you four hours to work in the morning. >> are you nervous about it? >> a little bit we will see what happens. >> if you are used to making it do your thing. >> yeah. >> you mix everything pour you have to pour some chicken stock, and then you are going to let it cook for awhile you will let that cook that will take about 15 minutes start work tong bread this is a --
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working on the bread this is french crusty bread >> it gets that big >> yes, you slice the like this. >> we have to go >> but there is the finished product go ahead there is the finished product and gain the recipe is on our website we want to wish you samantha the best of luck. >> thank you. >> please let us know how it goes you possibly could win a million dollars. >> possibly. >> fantastic for a sandwich how about that we wish you the best. >> thank you very much. >> we will be back with more in a moment and perhaps we can taste it 
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>> back with breaking news out of southern france, police have stormed the home of the man wanted in this week's shooting at a jewish school french security forces now arrested the suspect this is a live look at the scene the suspect is of
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alleger january origin and says he is a member of -- algerian origin and says he is a member of al qaeda in addition to the killing at the school he is suspected in the shooting of french soldiers. >> tucker barnes has the 5 day forecast >> it gets better and better from here high temperatures later this afternoon under partial sunshine low to mid- 70s, 74 and then warm up near 80 by friday, good cherry blossom viewing weather cooler this weekend could be a thunderstorm by saturday a little fog. >> all right thank you sir. here is the answer to today's trivia question today we asked what is the minimum number of seats required in a broadway theatre. >> 500. >> i didn't know there was one, 500 did you look ahead. >> no, i did not. >> broadway theatre must have a seating capacity of 500 seats or more while an off broadway theatre generally


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